Hey friends, there’s lots of great events for the nonprofit tech community. Check ’em out!
Most NetSquared events are free or by donation.
PCI Compliance and Fraud Prevention in Nonprofits: Don’t Let the Bad Guys Win!
When: Thursday, November 5
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/224745787/
Are you trying to wrap your head around PCI security requirements, how to securely manage payment card data and what types of credit card fraud to watch out for? This session is for you!
Learn more about the implications of PCI-DSS requirements, best practices around securely storing credit card data and how to put tools in place to prevent costly (and frustrating) credit card fraud at your organization. Be prepared, get informed and don’t let the bad guys win!
Social Media Surgery
When: Saturday, November 14
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Net2Vic/events/220443513/
Get answers and hands-on help for all your social media questions.
NGO HO HO: A holiday party for Victoria’s non-profits
When: Saturday, November 28
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ngo-ho-ho-tickets–18812970100
Because changing the world is hard work! On November 28th join Net2 Victoria for the annual NGO HO HO - the holiday party for Victoria’s non-profit community.
Women in Technology Panel
When: Wednesday, December 9
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Net2Vic/events/225147729/
PeaceTalks #29: Refugee Crisis and Media Hype - Has anything changed? Are we doing enough?
When: Wednesday, November 4
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/peacetalks–29-refugee-crisis-and-media-hype-has-anything-changed-are-we-doing-enough-tickets–19033015261
PeaceGeeks, Amnesty International and Hootsuite present PeaceTalks #29: Refugee Crisis and Media Hype, a discussion of the refugee crisis and what can be done to affect real change.
Marvellous Media Moments: Pitching and Interviewing Made Easy
When: November 7
RSVP: http://thetyee.ca/MasterClass/Fall2015/Media-Relations-James-Boothroyd/
Pitching and Interviewing Made Easy with James Boothroyd. This briskly paced, practical session will equip people with some basic media training so they can make better pitches to media, and nail those TV and radio interviews.
Understanding the BC Society Act
When: November 10
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/understanding-bc-society-act
This workshop reviews how this Act affects the ongoing work of your board and organization, focusing specifically on role and responsibilities of members, board and staff, as well as critical compliance such as Constitution, Bylaws, AGMs, board meetings, records-keeping, and filings.
Winning Campaigns with NationBuilder
When: November 14
RSVP: http://thetyee.ca/MasterClass/Fall2015/Nationbuilder-Stuart-Avlijas/
Winning Campaigns with NationBuilder
Josh and Stefan from CStreet Campaigns will take participants through how to run successful online campaigns, and how to use the powerful NationBuilder platform to do it.
Vancouver Nonprofit User Group: Awesome Report Functionality & 1:1 Support for Non-Profits!
When: Tuesday, November 17
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/vnug-awesome-report-functionality–11-support-for-non-profits-tickets–19171556642
- Hour 1 - Beth will be walking us through the report training she gave at Dreamforce. This will give you new tools for using reporting in Salesforce.
- Hour 2 - We have invited System Adminstrators and Power Users from the Vancouver User Group to come and provide one-on-one training for every non-profit that attends the meet-up! Ask any question and we will get it answered!
National Philanthropy Day
When: Tuesday, November 17
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2015-vancouver-national-philanthropy-day-tickets–15397139258
Join us as we celebrate the 18th Annual National Philanthropy Day in Vancouver, hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. This year also features a full-day professional development opportunity for Fundraisers, the National Philanthropy Day Summit.
Knowledge Philanthropy: How to Find & Engage Volunteer Talent
When: November 18
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/knowledge-philanthropy-how-find-engage-skilled-volunteers
Explore practices that support the successful engagement of knowledge philanthropists, or skilled volunteers, and learn how to proactively plan for, attract and engage knowledge philanthropists in your work.
Non-Profit Consultants’ Panel & Festive Social
When: Thursday, November 19
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/BCBlackbaudUsers/events/226189525/
The BC Blackbaud Users Group presents: a Non-Profit Consultants’ Panel, and 3rd annual ugly festive sweater contest.
Board Fundamentals: Executive Director Development
When: November 27
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/evaluating-your-executive-director
Learn why, when and how to evaluate the executive director, and move towards developing a process and an assessment tool that works for your organization.
Human Resources: Navigating Performance Issues
When: December 9
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/human-resources-navigating-performance-issues
Focus on tools to develop or strengthen your discipline and termination policies and procedures.
Board Fundamentals: Fund Development
When: December 10
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/board-fundamentals-fund-development
Learn best practices and concrete ideas to support your organization’s fundraising efforts. - See more at: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/board-fundamentals-fund-development.
Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let me know!