If you're a member of our tech for nonprofits meetup you are already sold on the value of digital services. But perhaps your colleagues, new to the tech-forward lifestyle, need some help? Here's seven free webinars from the NetSquared community (and a roundup of discounted tools from TechSoup and our partners).
Upcoming Events
Here are just some of the online conversations hosted by NetSquared and our parent nonprofit TechSoup.
- May 20: Promising Practices for Effective Online Meetings (Hosted by North Carolina Tech4Good)
May 27:
- Making Sense of Your Data - Using Insights, Analytics and Dashboards (Hosted by NetSquared Athens)
- Digital Accessibility: The What, Who, Why, When and How
- Herramientas de teletrabajo de fácil implementación para ONG (en español, alojado por NetSquared Barcelona)
- May 28: Show and Tell: Share Your Top Digital Tools (Hosted by NetSquared West of Toronto)
- May 30: Website Development and Management Bootcamp (Hosted by NetSquared Accra)
- June 3: Show and Tell: Tools and Techniques for Working from Home (Hosted by NetSquared Vancouver)
Resources for Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19
In difficult times, the world turns to civil society for support. At TechSoup, we're committed to equipping your nonprofit with the technology resources you need to meet your mission, serve your community, and support your staff.
Useful blog posts include:
- How COVID-19 Is Changing the Technology Needs of Nonprofits
- Comparison Guide: Video Conferencing Tools for Your Nonprofit
- Getting Started with Slack. Free for nonprofits with 250 or fewer staff. Check it out!
Discover how TechSoup can support your work with:
- Tools to Support Remote Work
- Policy Resources
- Webinars and Workshops
- Educational Blog Posts
- Free Courses from TechSoup
More: https://page.techsoup.org/covid-19-resources
Thanks for being a nonprofit tech community champion,
— Elijah van der Giessen, NetSquared Community Manager